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Every Go Kart venue has to put their customers through a safety and rules briefing process, so they know how to behave on the track.
Customers have to watch a 5-10 minute video about the safety and the rules of the track, which they easily forget before even starting the race. On top of that, the briefing rooms usually fit up to 8 people so the larger the group, the worse the experience and retention of rules.
When a venue has a larger number of visitors, the briefing process creates a bottleneck that can cause the venue to lose even up to 5 races per day.
The briefing process also requires extra personnel, which leads to higher labor expenses.
On top of that, customers are bound to get into accidents and some even sue the venue for the damages. The current briefing process barely protects the venue from such claims, resulting in even more costs. Go kart venues are exposed to up to 8.000€ of monthly revenue loss.
Wekart Gamified briefing that speeds up and simplifies the onboarding process in go kart venues.
No more bottlenecks. No more lost revenue. A lot more profit.
Customers can now complete their briefing process on their phone from anywhere - either waiting in line or at home - with no app download needed (all in the browser). This gets rid of any bottlenecks and increases the onboarding speed significantly.
Because the briefing process is now a mobile game instead of just a video, the retention of rules also increases by more than 50%, resulting in far better racing experience.
Wekart is the first on the market to tackle this problem, so one of the company’s main advantages is speed to market, while the other being expertise and proprietary software that allows for fast and relatively inexpensive game development.
As the games are being played online on users’ phones, scale is limitless.
Let's transform your vision into stunning reality. Reach out today and start the journey to a remarkable brand presence.